How To Trade It
March 30, 2023

Breaking Trading Boundaries with Michael Katz: How to Become a Profitable Day Trader

Breaking Trading Boundaries with Michael Katz: How to Become a Profitable Day Trader

When Michael Katz, a struggling trader, takes a risk and pushes himself outside of his comfort zone with the help of an outside mentor, he discovers a way to trade with someone else's money and achieve a 60-70% success rate.

Michael Katz had been trading for four years before he learned how to use trade management to his advantage. He found success in scaling in and out of positions, and adding to his position as it moved in his favor. 

Michael met a special mentor who pushed him to challenge his boundaries and take more risk. He then joined the online platform Trade the Pool, where he could trade with their capital and risk management tools. 

For a one-time fee, Michael was able to participate in day trading and earn a profit. Through his journey, Michael learned the importance of managing his trades correctly and taking calculated risks.


This is Casey Stubbs, 2022 was a disaster for most traders. I am releasing a new service called Swing Trading Reports. Each Sunday before the market opens I will bring you up to speed on the latest market trends including gold, bitcoin, S&P 500, and multiple currency pairs.

The normal price for this is $75 a year, but we're bringing the price down to $50 a year if you use the code HowToTradeIt25 when signing up.

Visit: new offer! | Casey Stubbs to join the community of successful traders today!

If you want to hear more of Michael Katz, then you should listen to this episode:

00:00:41 - The most important thing that a day trader needs to know to be successful

00:06:55 - Working in a bigger time frame 

00:07:46 - What kind of trader are you?

00:15:22 - You don’t always win when it comes to trading

00:20:51 - Trading is technically all about the money

Connect With Michael Katz: 

Grab your copy of the Complete Trading System This book teaches you how to build a trading system from the ground up and how to become profitable in the markets.

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