How To Trade It
July 28, 2022

Destroy the Biggest Obstacle to Trading Success in One Step with Casey Stubbs, Ep #123

Destroy the Biggest Obstacle to Trading Success in One Step with Casey Stubbs, Ep #123

In this episode of How To Trade It, Casey shares what he has found to be the BIGGEST obstacle to his trading success…and it may just be true for you too. Listen now to hear how to overcome this hurdle. You don’t want to miss it!

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You’ll want to hear this episode if you are interested in…

  • [01:13] And the obstacle is…
  • [03:54] What is integrity anyway?
  • [08:50] Following a plan
  • [13:10] The biggest catalyst to trading success
  • [15:21] Good habits
  • [20:15] The #1 reason traders fail

Integrity in Life & Trading
It’s pretty simple.  Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. First, you must start with defining your standard, so that you know what the “right” thing is.  In the trading world, that means having an established plan.  If you want to become an excellent trader, you need to start with a well-thought out (& written down) plan with rules and processes to follow.  

A Lack of Integrity?
Sometimes we sabotage our own efforts.  We don’t follow our own rules, then we blame the market, or the indicator we are using, for our failure.  We condemn ourselves for having a bad trade or series of them, and then we experience guilt for not being successful.  It’s easy to get stuck in this cycle, and it’s definitely not productive.  This lack of integrity will cause problems time and time again.  If you can’t keep yourself accountable to following your stated rules, it might be time to find people who are willing to walk along side of you to help you stay on your path.  

 Resources & People Mentioned 

Grab your copy of the Complete Trading System This book teaches you how to build a trading system from the ground up and how to become profitable in the markets.

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