How To Trade It
Feb. 24, 2022

How To Handle Your Emotions So You Can Make Money with Casey Stubbs, Ep #101

How To Handle Your Emotions So You Can Make Money with Casey Stubbs, Ep #101

Casey Stubbs is a 9 ½ year United States Army Veteran and married father of nine.  He is an entrepreneur, a leader in his local church, and is a successful business owner and trader.  Casey is dedicated to helping people from all walks of life fulfill their financial dreams, while also achieving financial freedom.  Helping others is at the heart of all that drives Casey on a daily basis. In this episode of How To Trade It, Casey shares how learning to tame his emotions made him a better trader.  You don’t want to miss it!

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You’ll want to hear this episode if you are interested in…

  • [05:35] How your personal life can impact your trading
  • [10:08] How unchecked “good” emotions can be BAD for trading
  • [19:47] Understanding how consistency is key

Taming Your Emotions
Being led by my emotions has caused me to make some serious  trading errors.  Trouble often comes because we aren’t expecting emotions to be a part of our trading.  It’s not something that is taught or talked about often. We can’t simply ignore our emotions, but we must not be led by them either.  Having discipline in your trading partly means that you acknowledge what you are feeling, process through it, and then make decisions accordingly.     

Is “Good” really Bad?
When I first started trading, I was on fire!  I was making a ton of money and it was super exciting.  I quickly became addicted to trading, developed extreme euphoria, and quite literally felt invincible. I convinced myself that I was untouchable and I could repeat my good fortune.  Unfortunately, all of those “good” feelings caused me to make some really horrendous trading decisions.  When that account tanked, I ended up at the opposite end of the spectrum…depressed, angry, and upset.   

No more outbursts
Life is fast-paced and so we often live in a constant state of “hurry”.  FOMO is very real!  (Fear of missing out, in case you are wondering.)  We don’t want to miss a thing, in life or trading, so we rush into decisions with our emotions at the helm.  If we truly want to be successful, we must recognize what we are experiencing and feeling, slow down, and learn to be deliberate and purposeful in our decision-making.  It’s counter-cultural to think that s

Grab your copy of the Complete Trading System This book teaches you how to build a trading system from the ground up and how to become profitable in the markets.

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