How To Trade It
Feb. 17, 2022

How to Scale Your Trading Account in Six Simple Steps with Casey Stubbs, Ep #100

How to Scale Your Trading Account in Six Simple Steps with Casey Stubbs, Ep #100

Casey Stubbs is a 9 ½ year United States Army Veteran and married father of nine.  He is dedicated to helping people from all walks of life fulfill their financial dreams, while also achieving financial freedom.  In this episode of How To Trade It, Casey shares six super simple steps to help you scale your account.  You don’t want to miss it!

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You’ll want to hear this episode if you are interested in…

  • [00:35] Step 1…having a written plan
  • [05:40] Learning how to use M.O.N.E.Y. to trade our A+ Set up Strategy
  • [15:50] Our Forex Master Trader community funding options

What’s Your Strategy?
You are going to be more successful if you use a simple, easy-to-follow trading strategy.  Find one you like,  then stick with it.  You want to outline the strategy and have all of your rules written out, so you are able to identify if you are following the plan correctly.  Without a strategic plan, you will wander around aimlessly, and that’s a terrible way to trade.    

Review, review, review
Every week, you need to sit down and review your trades.  Ask specific questions, like, “Did I follow my rules?  My risk management? How are my results?  Is there something I need to tweek?”  If you don’t have a successful week, do not just toss out your whole strategy.  Make a small change, based on the answers to your questions, and implement that change over the following week.  

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