How To Trade It
Nov. 23, 2023

How to Trade Bitcoin For Beginners: 3 ways to Fast Profit

How to Trade Bitcoin For Beginners: 3 ways to Fast Profit

Inspirational Stories and Thanksgiving Message:
Casey shares a motivational story from Twitter, underlining the importance of pursuing dreams despite challenges. He connects this with his own journey and expresses gratitude to the listeners, concluding with a special Thanksgiving message.

  1. How to Trade Bitcoin for Beginners: Casey discusses the basics of trading Bitcoin for beginners, including opening accounts on platforms like Robinhood, Coinbase, or Cash App.
  2. Bitcoin’s Potential: Casey shares his belief in the significant potential for Bitcoin, citing technical analysis and past trends. He emphasizes the concept of dollar-cost averaging as a strategy for beginners.
  3. Bitcoin’s Opportunity for 2024: Casey predicts that Bitcoin could reach $250,000 in 2024, citing three main catalysts: a weakening dollar, the introduction of Bitcoin ETFs, and Bitcoin’s limited supply due to factors like halving.
  4. Catalysts for Bitcoin’s Rise: Casey elaborates on the catalysts, including the potential weakening of the dollar, the impact of Bitcoin ETFs, and the limited supply and halving of Bitcoin.
  5. Personal Investment Strategy: Casey shares his personal strategy of dollar-cost averaging into Bitcoin, expressing confidence in its long-term performance.
  6. Introduction to 52 Trades: Casey introduces his new YouTube channel, “52 Trades,” where he discusses and shares the results of one trade per week. He mentions specific trades, such as Dollar General and Roblox.
  7. Bitcoin ETF (Bito) Investment: Casey discusses his plan to invest in the Bitcoin ETF called Bito as a way to gain exposure to Bitcoin without buying the actual cryptocurrency.
  8. Webinar on 52 Trades Strategy: Casey promotes an upcoming webinar where he will discuss the 52 Trades strategy in-depth, offering more details than the YouTube videos.
  9. Inspiration from a Twitter Story: Casey shares a motivational story from Twitter about someone pursuing their dreams despite challenges, emphasizing the importance of having a dream, persevering, and seeking mentorship.
  10. Thanksgiving Message: Casey expresses gratitude for the listeners’ at

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Casey Stubbs (00:01.662)
Hello, my name is Casey Stubbs. Today we're going to talk about how to trade bitcoins for beginners. And we're going to discuss how to day trade Bitcoin and a couple of the things about Bitcoin and why I think it's so important. I did a really interesting in depth YouTube video a while ago about Bitcoin and where I thought it was going. And so there's a lot of potential in Bitcoin according to my

theories and not just me, but a lot of other things. But I want to just start by talking a few things about beginners, okay, about how to trade Bitcoin for beginners. And, you know, you can go into all the basic utility of it and how to collect and create your own wallet, how to use your keys, how to send Bitcoin from person to person. But I wanted to

just spend a minute talking about trading Bitcoin. And it's pretty simple and nowadays it's gone, it's so much more readily available on how to trade Bitcoin. And so trading Bitcoin for beginners is as simple as opening up like a Robinhood account. Or if you wanna go a little more in depth with just cryptos, you can open up a Coinbase account. You can even...

trade or hold crypto now with a cash app account. So there's a lot of different ways for people to get started with trading Bitcoin. You can day trade Bitcoin, which is go down onto like a 15 minute chart. When you get a buy set up, perhaps a really good set up for Bitcoin is to...

find a 15 minute moving average, find a 15 period moving average and just wait for the price to break above that on a 15 minute chart. And I...

Casey Stubbs (02:10.818)
think that the opportunity for Bitcoin coming up is going to be really big. And so let me take a minute and actually explain that to everyone why Bitcoin has got a big opportunity. So technically from technical analysis, Bitcoin is in a really big uptrend. It's actually been in an uptrend from the beginning. And even with some of these really big pullbacks we've had, which they call crypto winner, Bitcoin winner, crypto winner, those pullbacks.

have been great buying opportunities. In fact, one of the last ones was in 2018, Bitcoin 2017, Bitcoin went up to about 17,000 and then it crashed all the way down to three. Okay, and I want you to really get this. And so at that point, I was buying Bitcoin. I was buying Bitcoin. And as I was doing that, as I was buying Bitcoin,

around the 3000, I was what they call dollar cost averaging. And it went all the way up to like 68, 67, 69,000 in that area. So a huge move from three to 68,000, massive. And so if your dollar cost averaging, which means let's say you don't have $50,000 to buy some Bitcoin, you just put in 100 bucks a week, $100 a week, $100 a week, $100 a week, and you're getting a really good price on it.

And that's a great way for beginners to trade Bitcoin, because you don't have to have an advanced trading strategy. And besides that, I doubt that with as much as I think that it's gonna go up, I doubt that you're gonna be able to beat the performance. In fact, I think that we're gonna break the all time high and go much further beyond that. I think that the possibility...

of hitting $250,000 in 2024 is a real possibility. Maybe I should make that at the headline of this video in this podcast episode. 250,000 in 2024, that's my call. Okay, and I'm making that on the night before Thanksgiving, 11, 22, 23. November 22nd, 2023, I'm saying that Bitcoin's gonna hit 250 next year, 250,000.

Casey Stubbs (04:38.722)
So here's a couple of the big catalysts. I've got three big catalysts why I think that it's gonna hit 250,000. Catalyst number one is I think the dollar's gonna weaken. Okay, we've had a really strong dollar, which hurts Bitcoin a little bit. So that's the first catalyst. And the reason I think that we're gonna see, I think we're gonna see the dollar weaken is because

of the Fed, the Fed is probably going to pause on raising rates in 24 and they might lower rates a little bit. And if that happens, that should weaken the dollar. That should put more liquidity into the dollar, which increases the supplies of the dollar. If you increase the supply, the value goes down. If the value of the dollar goes down.

that automatically increases the value of Bitcoin. So catalyst number one for 250K is.


the weak dollar is coming. Next, the next catalyst is we've got some ETFs that are coming, ETFs are coming. And actually I said three catalysts, now that I am speaking, I'm thinking of a fourth one. But ETFs, they're talking about all these Bitcoin ETFs. And when that happens, and I learned this from today from Jeffrey Turnmeyer, and I'll give a shout out to him on his YouTube channel, he's a...

Casey Stubbs (06:21.086)
saw his YouTube live this morning. And when those Bitcoin ETFs come out, the liquidity is gonna dry up because they're gonna buy tons and tons of Bitcoin. Remember, Bitcoin's already limited. That's another reason why a big catalyst is because there's only a limited number of Bitcoins available. And as people fight for those very precious few, the price is gonna skyrocket.

And so these ETFs are going to come in and they're just going to grab hold of the Bitcoin and they're never going to sell. It's just like those institutions that hold stocks forever. They don't sell them too often. And so they're never going to sell. And so that's almost like Bitcoin becoming unavailable. It's like taking it out of circulation. I mean, this is just, this is a winning situation here, a winning situation for holders. Okay.

Now, so we've got the weak dollar coming, possibly. We've got the ETFs coming that are gonna buy up. Then we have just the fact that Bitcoin is limited. It's so limited. So that's part of it as well, right? Limited Bitcoin is a big part of this. So.

Casey Stubbs (07:44.362)
We also have something called the halving, which is coming up. The halving, a, you know, half Bitcoin is going to, half of the available Bitcoin is going to be cut in half. And so it's going to make it that much more difficult for Bitcoins to be created. And visualization here, and imagine that you have a piece of paper, which I'm going to grab a piece of paper off my desk, right? You've got this piece of paper, okay? And you fold it in half, okay?

And every single time, every single time that you fold it, it gets more difficult. Right? It's more difficult. So that was like three folds. So every time you fold it, it breaks in half. Okay? And then towards the end, it gets really difficult to bend, right? And so right now it...

It's like, I can't do that after four or five folds, I can't even fold it, okay? That's what happens with Bitcoin. You cut it in half, you cut it in half, you cut it in half, and so then creating more is gonna get that much more difficult. And so again, the supply's gonna be radically diminished. So we've got the halving, we've got the ETFs, we've got a weak dollar, we've got the...

limited scarcity of Bitcoin. And then when we just look at the charts, there's an uptrend. You can see the gains that have happened before. And so how am I going to profit from this? Well, I'm just dollar cost averaging. Every time I get some extra revenue, I plop it in. So that's, if I was a beginner looking at trading Bitcoin, that's what I would do. I would just plop it in. I would plop it in. And that's kind of a weird terminology.

I would just buy a little bit more, buy a little bit more, buy a little bit more. That's how I would do this. Okay. So it's a big opportunity. I think it could get to 250,000. I will include the video where I went through all my targets. That was like a year ago, but I've been actively accumulating since then. And I think there's a great opportunity here.

Casey Stubbs (10:06.966)
And that's really how I would do it. And you could day trade it. There's a lot of Bitcoin trading strategies out there. You know, there's a way for you to make Bitcoin fast profit. But ultimately, I think the dollar cost averaging Bitcoin is one of the greatest ways to really make it big here. And I think this is the investing opportunity.

I don't see another better investing opportunity out there. I mean, I've got some other good stocks out there. I've been holding Tesla. I think there's a great opportunity in Tesla. One way we could take advantage of this, I think Bitcoin's superior to any of the stocks I'm looking at right now. There's probably some out there. If you know of any, let me know. But one way we could take advantage of this is the Bitcoin ETF.

There's a Bitcoin ETF right now called BITTO, B-I-T-O, and it's trading as of today about $18, $19. And so I'm gonna be taking advantage by grabbing some of that ETF, right? You can trade options on that ETF, you can buy shares of that ETF. Great opportunity to get some Bitcoin exposure with maybe not buying Bitcoin, because Bitcoin, you don't have to buy the whole Bitcoin. Right now it's trading around 37,000.

You don't have to have $37,000 to buy one Bitcoin. You could put in 20 bucks and buy some Bitcoin. You get fractional Bitcoin. But Bitto is a great way to do it because you can use some leverage there if you use options. And so I'm going to be looking at a Bitcoin ETF called Bitto. And that leads me into another topic of discussion that I wanted to talk about. And that's my new

YouTube channel called 52 trades and it's also part of the segment that I'm doing here on the how to trade a podcast where I talk about one of 52 trades a trade that I'm making every week and The trade I talked about last week was Dollar general and the week before that was roblox so last week I entered dollar general and

Casey Stubbs (12:29.99)
I'm still holding that position and it's up about 40% so far this week.

Casey Stubbs (12:38.838)
Dollar General is the trade that I'm holding from last week. I did close my Roblox trade, which was entered on July, or not July, on November 2nd. I closed my Roblox trade. So every single week of the How to Trade a Podcast, make sure you sign up, you subscribe, and you listen in, because every week I'm going to share my results of these 52 trades. And I'm also going to do the trade on YouTube as well. So if you want to...

watch it on YouTube, you can do that. And you're going to see how I do over these 52 trades using weekly charts. So this week, I'm going to get Bitto. And I'm recording this a little bit early, so I don't have the price yet, but I am going to buy Bitto, B-I-T-O, the Bitcoin ETF. And from what I was looking at earlier, it looks like I can get call options on

about $3 based on the strike price I was looking at, which is near an at the money strike is what I was looking at. So I'll keep you posted. But right now my dollar general is up about 40%. So really nice. Oh, and I did close the Roblox trade as well. And that was a $39 profit, which was kind of discouraging. I might actually go in on Roblox as well.

back in because it closed, it bounced and closed. I got out on a trailing stop loss and just so I didn't turn the trade into a loser. I'll talk about money management as we go, but right now when I'm up about 15-20% on the option, I lock in about 5% just because I don't, me personally, I hate seeing winners turn into losers. It annoys me. And so I was able to get

$39 a profit on that. And lastly, I have a new webinar where I'm gonna talk about this 52 trade strategy in depth, much more in depth than the segment here on the podcast and much more in depth than even the YouTube video. Because the YouTube videos are just gonna be one trade at a time, probably two, three minute videos. But this webinar, it's happening on Friday. I'm gonna include a link in the description.

Casey Stubbs (15:06.038)
And for the YouTube video, it's the link is, is actually not even in the YouTube video right now. Let me grab that link here and post it in the chat for if anybody's interested. But it's, it's where I, I call it 52 trade because I'm taking one trade a week. That's why I call it that. But one last thing.

For everyone that's still hanging out and listening in, thank you for your attention. I know that.

You've got a lot of things you can listen to, and I hope that this has been valuable. But one thing I wanted to talk about, we've got Thanksgiving coming up, and this is a thing that really impacts me. I'm a visionary, right? I'm a guy with a vision, a man with a plan, and I'm passionate. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I love going after big goals. And so there's...

There's this guy I follow on Twitter, okay, and his name is Mike Webster, Mike Webster. And Mike was posting about some of the stuff in his life. And he posted this really great, and I'll include a link to this tweet, by the way, in the description of the podcast and of the YouTube video. But he was...

man, he was sharing some stuff about his life. And he did this quote, I don't know where this quote came from, he said, JL. But he says, you could waste your whole life waiting for that mountain to move, but it's waiting on you. You've got to make it move. And he shares about how he had a dream. Well, his first dream was to be a pilot, but that didn't work out. Somebody told him he had bad eyesight. So he went to the next thing. The next thing was to be a,

Casey Stubbs (17:10.594)
portfolio manager for Bill O'Neill. If you remember the book, How to Trade Stocks or How to Make Money in Stocks by Bill O'Neill, he wanted to be a money manager. And so everybody was telling him, you can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. But Mike went after his dream. And he worked harder than anybody else. He wrote his dream down. And he was laser focused. And guess what happened?

Casey Stubbs (17:41.31)
a portfolio manager for Bill O'Neill. And he was really good at it, right? He was really good at it. And it's so awesome. Like I read that last night on Twitter and I was like, oh my goodness, actually I'm gonna make a confession. It actually moved me so much. I had a couple of tears in my eyes and that's really corny and silly, but I just get so motivated.

and so moved by people that go after their dreams. You know, it's not easy and it takes a lot of courage. So I got to give Mike a lot of credit, but it takes a lot of courage to go after your dreams. And that's just awesome that he shared that story and that he met Bill and went after. It reminds me of in the book and the Think or Grow Rich, Think or Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,

characters in the book wanted to meet Thomas Edison and work with him. And he just showed up on his door and said, I'm going to do whatever you need me to do. He was a servant. And so he went after his dream. So two things about that kind of made me pay attention. Number one is that

he had a dream, he went after it. Number two is that he didn't let anything stop him and he just kept going. But number three is each one of those, like the one in Think or Grow Rich, and also with Mike, they had mentors and people that they wanted to meet. And I think having a dream is great, but I think also having a mentor and learning from some amazing people is such a really cool thing. And I know with me,

I've shared this many times, but I've had a lot of mentors. I've met a lot of great people. I'm definitely not a self-made man. I have been blessed to receive from others and I want to give and share with others. And so that's why I do the How to Trade a Podcast. So thank you for listening. That's why I shared about this awesome and amazing opportunity in Bitcoin. And don't forget, sign up for my webinar. It's at the links in the description.

Casey Stubbs (19:57.206)
And I think you're gonna like it. I'm gonna share all about my system with the 52 Trades weekly trading system. One of the key components about it that's so cool is that you can make really good revenue with trading by only trading once a week. You know, you just go in, you use the weekly charts, and it's not so connected to where you're day trading and always looking at.

things all the time. So you just got to build out a system. And once you get that system, then it makes it systematic. And that's why they call it a system. It makes it systematic and it's much easier to follow. And I think that's one of the big things that traders are missing a lot is they don't have a good system. So that's it for today's episode of the How to Trade It podcast where we talked about how to trade Bitcoin for beginners and

also shared about a really moving story from Mike and also updated on my 52 trades portfolio. But thanks for listening. And if you have not left a review yet for the podcast, it would mean a lot to me because it helps bump me up in the ratings and then I can impact more people, right? So my vision is to impact and to help train as many traders to be successful as possible. And so...

If you could leave a comment and a review on the how to trade a podcast with Apple or wherever you listen to your podcast, that will help me accomplish my dream. Uh, one of my many dreams. I've got a lot of dreams. I'm, I'm.

Casey Stubbs (21:43.718)
I like to go after it. But that's it for this episode of the How to Trade a Podcast. Thank you all so much for listening.