How To Trade It
May 26, 2022

My Journey into Bitcoin with Simon Severino, Ep #114

My Journey into Bitcoin with Simon Severino, Ep #114

Simon Severino helps business owners discover how to be able to run their company more efficiently which results in sales that soar.  Simon is the CEO and founder of Strategy Sprints which is a global team of certified coaches that teach a customized strategy to get clients “out of the weeds” and doubling their revenue in just 90 days.  In this episode of How To Trade It, Simon shares his unique strategy for trading cryptocurrency. You don’t want to miss it!

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You’ll want to hear this episode if you are interested in…

  • [06:56] Last week’s $17,000 loss
  • [07:13] Simon’s system breakdown
  • [09:36] Asset selection
  • [11:29] Decentralization defined
  • [22:34] Simon’s community 
  • [27:40] Psychology of the Market

The Journey Into Crypto
Simon says he was "late to the party".  He finally started to realize that crypto was here to stay once it was already quite evolved.  It wasn’t really his thing, but since he helps people invest, he figured he better learn something about it, since that is what people pay him for.  He liked what he was discovering and became very excited about the future of crypto, especially Bitcoin.  

Simon’s Strategy
Simon doesn’t consider himself a trading expert.  He’s just a CEO who wants to keep money for his children…so, he’s thinking about long-term wealth preservation.  Simon is not in the game of wealth creation via his investments.  Instead, he uses the surplus profits from his business to invest regularly. 

Resources & People Mentioned

Grab your copy of the Complete Trading System This book teaches you how to build a trading system from the ground up and how to become profitable in the markets.

Join our back-by-popular-demand Strike Trader Elite Signal service for a limited-time only!

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