How To Trade It
Sept. 22, 2022

The Fast Way to Make Money with Mark Yegge, Ep # 131

The Fast Way to Make Money with Mark Yegge, Ep # 131

Mark Yegge, the Wealth Architect, is a lifelong learner, author, course-creator, mentor, and fund manager. He’s the founder of Destiny Creation LLC, and he’s traded over $14-billion worth of securities. Using his experience and expertise,  Mark is on a mission to change the way we invest.  In this episode of How To Trade It, Mark talks about taking the small wins over and over again. You don’t want to miss it!

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You’ll want to hear this episode, if you are interested in…

  • [00:42] Lessons from a Taxi driver
  • [12:46] The 4 Cornerstones
  • [15:28] The secret is…
  • [22:10] The future of Bitcoin
  • [26:43] Supply & Demand
  • [32:46] Special offer for How To Trade It listeners

Fast is Slow & Slow is Fast
Most people just want the quick win; the fast and big money.  The better option, however, is to take small wins, over and over.  So while that may seem like the S-L-O-W approach, in the long run, it’s actually a faster way to increase your wealth.  You reduce the risk of losing large sums of money, while having a consistent income that will continue to grow over time.  

The enemy
Emotions are the enemy of the trader.  When emotions go up, intelligence goes down.  Go ahead and tell me I’m wrong. At Destiny Creation, we try to teach people how to get rid of or control their emotions, so they can trade from a quiet and still place.  This happens by having a trusted system in place and well-defined processes to follow.  No system is perfect, but if you follow our approach and the rules, we can teach you how to consistently make 2-4% each month.

Mark believes that cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, is the future.  It may not replace the dollar, but it’s probably good to have as part of your asset allocation, as it is probably the only truly decentralized crypto.  It’s never been hacked, and it’s a great option, if you want something that is going to hold its value. 

Resources & People Mentioned

Grab your copy of the Complete Trading System This book teaches you how to build a trading system from the ground up and how to become profitable in the markets.

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